Your Life Documents
Dec 28, 2021
If you don’t read any other blog posts please read this one.
Organizing your life documents is one of the greatest gifts you can leave for your families.
I have helped so many clients that are sobbing as they are going through their parents things that have passed away and having no idea where to find a birth certificate.
This is in my opinion one of the most important places to start.
You need to have a binder or box with all the most important information in it about you and each member of your family.
This is in case you die.
Yep. Plan for your death. Super Fun.
It’s not fun for your loved ones to be searching through your clutter for the important stuff.
Everything that will go inside the binder or box should include:
- An original of your birth certificate
- A original of your marriage certificate
- An original of your social security card.
- A copy of your will. ( Get One)
- One page summary of all your money and the passwords to access it.
- Life Insurance information.
- List of advisors, broker, accountant, insurance representative, etc.
- Car titles
- Estate Plan
- Home Deed and Insurance
- Medical Records and Insurance
- Current Photos of every member of your family ( update yearly)
- Drivers License and social security card copies
- Video and Docs flash drive
Keep this information in a place with a lock, I love storing it in a fireproof vault. Then let all the important people in your life know how to access it.
You are not confused.
This is simple and easy.
This one is so important.
Don’t procrastinate.
Do it today.
Yes You Can.
XO- Jancee